Christ Jesus, The Saviour!

First; Christ (Anointed), is not a human “idea”; but a Divine statement by Almighty God!  The “human” comment is a Satanically empowered lie, to suit the enemies of God, the Bible and mankind, as this “Age Time” is drawing to a close; probably in the next 20–40 years, or less.  They are very noticeable on the Public Boards and Channels; and are not to be underestimated, as some are very well read and educated, and are attempting to do a reverse Disciple/ Apostle Function for the fallen Lucifer/Satan!

The reason is very clear in the Bible, as the statement is made in the Bible by Almighty God in Jeremiah 31:37; that He will cast off Israel, under the conditions He states in that Verse; which would mean that Satan/Lucifer would take over all Creation as Rulers; and would win the Battle of the Ages, to take over all control of this world, and all Creation!

As regards the existence and appearance on Earth of Jesus; that fact is well recorded by well-known contemporary writers and later Historians; i.e. Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger; to name but a few!

As the Bible can be puzzling, especially on a first read, it must be taken seriously by those who are driven or drawn to it, Matt. 22:14; and prayerful and sincere prayer to God the Holy Spirit of Truth, for mental clarification is also needed!  This dedication is needed because Satan and his agents work very hard to stop any acknowledgement of the Bible and its Truth; which shows in the continual arguments as to which writings should be in the Bible; which is why Jesus was so insistent that “The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, The Restrainer” be sent to Earth as soon as He ascended into Heaven after His Resurrection; John 14:15–26!

The “Spirit of Truth” ensures that what we have in the Bible (despite 2000 years of arguments) The Truth that strikes the hearts of men and women, to the growth of the numbers Saved for Christ Jesus and Father God!  That number is definitely known by Almighty God, and He Gave Paul the definition in Romans 11:25–27!

All that is left to be actioned by all humans, is the God given “free-will”; which elevates the person into the sphere of “sealed in Heaven”, until meeting Christ Jesus at the next stage of existence; 1Thess. 4:13–18! 


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